This week, our class did peer reviews on each other’s films. Each group was assigned a number. We then looked at a list to find what number group we were reviewing, and what number group was reviewing our movie. We had put the movie onto a flash drive. We gave the flash time to the group flashdrive from the group that we were grading. We were given a piece of paper with questions listed with criteria to grade the groups film. First, we watched the film without answering any questions. We then proceeded to watch the film while answering the questions on the piece of paper. While watching the video, I paid attention to angles, movements, and shots. I also wrote down the times in the film each angle, movement, etc. occurred. After finishing the movie, we handed back the flash drive. We’d let them see our peer review so they could process the feedback. Then, we got our flash drive back from the group that graded us. We took a look at what feedback they’d given us. They suggested an improvement on lighting. We’d purposely made our horror film a bit darker to emphasize the suspense, but we will make it a bit lighter so it is easier to see. That and any other improvements or feedback will be fixed in the re-shoot and re-edit section of our movie.
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