Monday, October 28, 2019

Editing Blog

10/28  Today was the day to edit for our commercial. I had some issues with the computer. Our computers are very slow, outdated, had confusion with logging into Pinnacle Studios. There was already footage of another group in our computer. Since we have dumped our footage in the computer we will now start editing. The software Pinnacle Studios is very helpful for our commercial. It allows us to quickly access tools we need to perfect our video. Pinnacle Studios is already installed in the schools Media Studies computers. The software needs a username and password to be logged into. We didn't know the password or username, so one of our teachers had to come over and log on for us. 

Most of the time, we were frustrated because we were confused. We expected the editing process to be easier, since when it was described to us it seemed simple. Hopefully after more use of the editing software it will become easier for us. I am expecting more practice on editing with our teacher. We are still not sure if we should delete it or just continue with our editing and disregarding it. We transferred our footage and started to edit. There was much we had to cut out to make the commercial 30 seconds. We had some confusion on adding text onto the clips we wanted. We are planning on adding motivational music to make it like a real Nike commercial. It is important for us to make this as best as we can to get a high grade. Since this is our first video our group has edited we will try to research more on how to edit. 

 My main emotion is frustration. I came into class expecting to get ahead of everyone because some groups still had to film. That idea was out the door due to all of the complications. I am hoping that next class we get to edit again so we are given more time. I do think we will be given two days for this because we were given two days for the filming process. As a self reflection I wish I would be given more time and more guidance. My group and I will definitely finish editing next class. When I all go home tonight I am going to research more on Pinnacle Studios. I'm going to figure out my problems and watch videos on how to fix them. I pray that next class our computers work smoothly. 

Friday, October 25, 2019

Filming Blog

Today we filmed all scenes of our commercial. When we first entered the classroom, one of our teachers gave us a quick lecture on how to check out cameras and some basic knowledge on them. We then grabbed a sign out sheet and requested a camera, an SD card, and a tripod. After we filled out the sheet completely, one of our group members was directed towards a closet in the back. She asked a teacher for the items requested. She then made her way back to where the rest of us were sitting. While she was picking up the materials, I was thinking of locations for our scenes. Another one of our group members was thinking up ways to get all the props we needed. Our other group member was gathering the props that he needed. We then all grouped up and left the room to shoot.
The first scene we were going to film was a scene that required stairs. We made our way to the stairs in front of our library and began to map out our scene. At first, we had conflicting visions for thee scene. The star of that scene had thought he was to run up both flights of stairs, but the rest of the group had deemed the angles required for that awkward and difficult to smoothly execute. I timed him running up only the first flights of stairs to make sure it would fit correctly. Once we found an acceptable pace for him to run, we began filming. Because the whole class was out filming and we were using the main staircase of that area, there were many interruptions. We had to stop filming at least three times due to people going up or down the stairs. After around three or four takes, we got a great shot and wanted to decide what to do next.
Our next scene to film was going to be a scene where I was to run the track, but a physical education class had just gone out and we did not want to disturb them, so we moved onto our volleyball scene. At first, we were not sure if the gym teacher would let us borrow a volleyball. After some light bickering, two of our group members went in the gym to ask. The other group member and I were a little anxious to ask, so it was a huge favor that our other two members volunteered. After recieving the volleyball, we found a flat, open wall to film around. The athlete who starred in this scene plays on the school's volleyball team and also plays outside school, so we trusted her to know what she was doing. Without testing angles first, we filmed a shot. As you may be able to imagine, this shot was not nearly close to what we wanted it to look like. After this traumatising event, we spent close to ten more minutes working on angles. After we finally found the optimal one, about four or five shots were taken. By the time we finished this scene, the P.E. class was back insidee the gym. However, we were starting to become short on time, so we decided since our next scene would be filmed closer, we would just go to film it before the one on the track.
The next scene we filmed was one where three group members would be featured. I am very often self-concious about my looks, so I offered to film without hesitation. The weather was very sunny, however there were some clouds in the sky. Because this was the first scene in direct sunlight, we had to wait until the right lighting naturally ocurred. After a few minutes of waiting, the lighting was finally right. We started testing angles while filming, as we were even more short on time by then. After more than five shots, the angles, actors, and lighting fell right into place. This was the time when we would speed walk as fast as possible to the track, as we would never run on school grounds. We quickly found the perfect angles and filmed our takes while I ran. I do not own any Nike shoes, as my dad is very passionate about staying loyal to the shoe brand Puma, so I borrowed another teammates shoes. They fit loosely, but I was still able to run in them. We took about three takes at most and the last one was just right. Finally, we filmed our last scene. This scene was easy to film as it was only three of us standing in a line with a close-up of our Nike shoes. This took about two or three takes. Finally, we were done and returned to our classroom to dump our footage.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Storyboard Blog

10/22 Today we planned out our storyboard. We have our commercial planned out and ready for filming. For our first scene we want to start with a stopwatch which will eventually lead to a person in our group running with an extreme close up of the Nike symbol on the shoes they are wearing. We will then include low angles to transition into the shoes while they are running. Next, another person will be running the track with a long, pan , and other transitions into the shoes. We will include other clips such as having another member playing volleyball and another walking through the halls while all ending up in a shoe transition. At the end of the commercial we will have the Nike symbol. As opposed to including dialogue, a inspirational soundtrack will be fit in. We hope to inspire our audiences to purchase Nike products.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Editing Lesson Blog

Today our teacher explained to the best of her knowledge to us how to edit on our school's computers, using Pinnacle Studio. She told us that in order for the Dell desktops to read the SD card, in which all our footage is being stored, we need to attach an SD card reader. This would plug into the USB port in the computer, similar to a thumb drive. However, before inserting the SD card reader, we were to open Pinnacle Studio, as it as a slower program and needed to be handled with care. While letting the application open, we were to create a folder on the desktop and move the footage from the card to the folder. The next step was to check for footage in "DCIM." If we were unable to find it, we must click on "private folder."After, we are to click on "AVCHD" and then "BDMV." After we would click stream, there would be everything from the memory card. Then, the footage should be dragged into the newly created folder.
Since there are only a few SD card readers and seemingly fifty people in our class period, we need to immediately remove both the memory card and reader from the computer and hand the reader to another group who had been waiting patiently for one. Because we work with Dell desktops as opposed to apple ones, there is no need to hit "eject" before removing the card. Finally, the process of dumping from the camera to the computer is over. This is more than reason enough to celebrate, however preferably not with food or drink as this is strictly prohibited from around the computers. Now, the camera must be returned to the classroom. As you return to your desktop, spot the aforementioned editing program. Click "import" on the computer. Then, click on the folder containing all the precious footage. All items that show the yellow checkmark on it will be imported, but only as soon as the "import now" button is clicked. Again, this program is a bit slower, but it is also a bit more valuable. Take care of it.
Click "edit." Put the material in AV track two, as the track above will be used for titles and the track below for music and sound effects. Drag the clip, and wait until the bar turns green. The razor blade splits footage, often making a jump cut. Unwanted footage can easily be magically vanished by clicking on it, then pressing the delete button. Everybody makes mistakes, but sometimes these are easily undone by clicking the back arrow or pressing edit then undo. To open the effects editor, a right click will do the job. To remove a sound, right click, detach, audio, and then delete audio. When finished, we are to click export. In order to save the film in the folder, clicking "start export," "save as," and then to desktop but more specifically the folder in which the footage was stored, should do the trick. Exit out of Pinnacle Studios and to reopen your movie simply click on the icon.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Planning Blog For Nike Commercial

10/10 Today we will be going over the planning portion of our commercial. We will set up things we need. For example, our props, costumes, schedule, location list, and our back up plan. Each person in our group is planning on contributing something towards our commercial project. An idea for our project is a view of different Nike apparel in different scenes. Our commercial will be very diverse in clothing. For our back-up plan if someone doesn't show up then we will either have a back-up actor or just have one person do everything. Some scenes we will use are the main stairs, the huge wall next to the stairs, and the track field. A back-up scene could be the gym. 
  • Nike sweatshirts
  • Nike t-shirt
  • Different Nike sneakers
  • Nike Air Force 1's
  • Athletic pants 
  • Nike headband
  • Athletic tops 
  • Track
  • Media Center Stairs
  • Wall near Stairs
Back Up Plan:
  • Gym as a backup location if it is raining instead of track field
  • If someone is absent, another group member will just take their place in the scene
  • If multiple people in group are absent, one person can be in all scenes
  • Nike Shoes
  • Nike Apparel
  • Hurdles
  • Stairs
  • Volleyball
  • A water bottle

  • Monday, October 14th- storyboard titled planning 
  • Tuesday, October 22nd- filming and blogging process
  • Thursday, October 24th- editing and blogging process
  • Wednesday, October 30th- critical reflection questions

Monday, October 7, 2019

Research Conventions and Codes

     Our commercial will be about the clothing brand Nike. We want to focus on the shoe portion of the brand and ways it can help in sports. Technical codes are connotations that we make when we look at films and photographs. For the technical codes we will focus on bright lighting, quick editing, music for the audio background, and camera angles we learned in the class. Symbolic codes are social in nature. For the symbolic codes our setting will be in the school, we will have props such as athletic wear such as uniforms as our costumes and any type of shoes used in these sports. Some of the shoes that will be shown will come from sports such as basketball, soccer, track, and regular lifestyle street wear. 
    We chose this production because it's an everyday product we use and everyone in our group all partake in some certain athletic activity. We want to persuade the people watching our commercial to go out and purchase our product. This will benefit us because when it comes down to prop all of us have something from Nike that we can contribute to the commercial so we don't have to focus on a budget or going out and looking for more products. Our unique advantage is that we are students who are trying to grab the attention from other people like us because we know at this day and age we are all working hard to either enjoy in a sport or make ourselves look better to feel better. 

Sunday, October 6, 2019


Hi, my name is Mila. I love a lot of things. However, some things I dislike, such as not having time for my family. Family is and will always be number one in my priorities. Family for me is not relatives, but all those who support me, unconditionally. They always want what is best for me. They guide me through all that they can, and my love for them and what they do for not only me, but the world is infinite. My family are those who inspire me.
My mom has remained at the top of everything for my whole life. She is my best friend, the only person who I can talk to, unfiltered. She has helped me through everything, while going through some of that stuff herself at the same time. My living situation has yet to be anything close to normal, but she, as a single mom, supports my household and me on her own two shoulders. She is my role model, what I aspire to accomplish. She is what who she wanted to be growing up-Wonder Woman.
My friends are also part of my family. I like to be open to anybody as a friend, but am picky on who truly gets close to me, and become apart of my family. My circle is small, but I prefer it that way. I can really trust those who I let in. Sometimes people go, which I cheer on. I love to see people grow, even if it's without me.